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Notice on Calling an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE.
(Current report 14/2023)
Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145 Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 14 December 2023, Thursday; time – 13:00 _registration starts at 12:30_. The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting is attached to this report.
- zal01_14.12.2023_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Projekty_uchwal
- zal02_14.12.2023_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document
- zal03_14.12.2023_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Written_Resolution_of_the_SB__Determining_Agenda_of_AGM_
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- zal05_14.12.2023_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Authorisation_Document
- zal06_14.12.2023_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Draft_Resolutions
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- zal08_14.12.2023_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_AGM_of_SH
- zal09_14.12.2023_POL__IFC_SE_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_ZWZA
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- zal11_14.12.2023_POL__IFC_SE_Uchwala_RN
- zal12_14.12.2023_POL_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia
Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE
(Current report 15/2023)
Place of holding the meeting: Plock, ul. Padlewskiego 18C, 09-402, Poland.
Time of the meeting: 14 December 2023, starting at 13.00 _CET_.
Pursuant to the printout from the central database of the registration department of the Tartu County Court dated 14 December 2023, and in accordance with the Statute of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _hereinafter referred to as the “Company”_, the Company is an undertaking with passive legal capacity, which was filed with the registration department of the Tartu County Court on 30.11.2018 under the registry code 14618005, seat Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145, Estonia, with the share capital of 10 511 180,40 euros, which is divided into 105 111 804 non par value shares.
The circle of shareholders entitled to participate at the general meeting has been established as at 23:59 of 7 December 2023 _the date of fixing the list_. According to the share ledger of the Company as at 23:59 of 14 December 2023, which is kept by NASDAQ CSD SE _Latvian registry code 40003242879_, the holder of ca 31,04% of the shares of the Company is the Polish register of securities _Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A. _Polish registry code PL-0000081582, hereinafter the “KDPW”__, which holds 32 623 544 non par value shares/votes on its nominee account for and on behalf of the actual shareholders of the Company and the holder of ca 68,96% of the shares of the Company is Patro Invest OÜ _Estonian registry code 14381342_, which holds 72 488 260 non par value shares/votes on its account.
The list of shareholders of the Company attending the meeting is annexed to these minutes _Annex 1_. This list and the previous section show that 72 488 260 _i.e. 68,96%_ of all the votes represented by the shares were duly represented at the general meeting.
Pursuant to section 4.5 of the Company’s Statute the general meeting has a quorum if more than one half of the votes represented by the shares are represented at the general meeting, unless a requirement for a higher quorum is prescribed by applicable legal acts.
The holding of the general meeting of the Company is subject to § 296 of the Commercial Code, which stipulates that if the requirements of law or of the articles of association for calling a general meeting are violated, the general meeting shall not have the right to adopt resolutions except if all the shareholders participate in or all the shareholders are represented at the general meeting. Resolutions made at such meeting are void unless the shareholders, with respect to whom the procedure for calling the meeting was violated approve of the resolutions.
The meeting has a quorum.
The general meeting was opened by Damian Patrowicz. Damian Patrowicz _Estonian personal identification code 39008050063_ was elected to chair the meeting and Martyna Patrowicz _personal identification code 49909190016_ was elected the recorder of the meeting /the person co-ordinating the voting.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 105 111 804
Total number of votes at the meeting: 72 488 260
In favour: 72 488 260 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Therefore, the Chair of the meeting and the recorder of the meeting / voting co-ordinator have been elected.
The Chair of the meeting and the recorder / voting co-ordinator of the meeting have verified the legal capacity of the shareholders participating at the meeting, and the identity and the right of representation of the representatives.
The management board of the Company provided an overview of the last annual report and the economic activities of the Company for the current year.II.AGENDA
Pursuant to the notice of the annual general meeting of shareholders dated 23 November 2023 which are approved by the Supervisory Board of the Company, the agenda of the general meeting is the following:
1.Approving the annual report of the Company for the financial year 2022/2023.
1.Approving the annual report of the Company for the financial year 2022
1.1.To approve the annual report of the Company for the financial year 2022/2023.
1.2.Not to distribute profit to the shareholders of the Company.
1.3.To distribute all of the profits from financial year 2022/2023 to the supplementary capital of the Company.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 105 111 804
Total number of votes at the meeting: 72 488 260
In favour: 72 488 260 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
The resolution of the meeting was adopted.
Notice on Calling an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE.
(Current report 11/2023)
Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145 Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 6 October 2023, Friday; time – 13:00 _registration starts at 12:30_. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting is attached to this report.
- 6.10.2023_IFC_SE_AoA__in_English_
- 6.10.2023_IFC_SE_AoA__in_Estonian_
- 6.10.2023_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Authorisation_Document
- 6.10.2023_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Draft_Resolutions
- 6.10.2023_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Information_on_the_EGM_of_SH
- 6.10.2023_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_EGM_of_SH
- 6.10.2023_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document
- 6.10.2023_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Projekty_uchwal
- 6.10.2023_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Written_Resolution_of_the_SB__Determining_Agenda_of_EGM_
- 6.10.2023_POL__IFC_SE_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_NWZA
- 6.10.2023_POL__IFC_SE_Informacje_dotyczace_NWZA 6.10.2023_POL__IFC_SE_Uchwala_RN
- 6.10.2023_POL_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia
- 6.10.2023_POL_IFC_SE_Statut_Spolki 6.10.2023_POL_IFC_SE_Wycofanie_Upowaznienia
Protocol of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Investment Friends Capital SE of 6/10/2023
(Current report 13/2023)
Place of holding the meeting: Plock, ul. Padlewskiego 18C, 09-402, Poland.
Time of the meeting: 06 October 2023, starting at 12.00 _CET_.
Pursuant to the printout from the central database of the registration department of the Tartu County Court dated 06 October 2023, and in accordance with the Statute of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _hereinafter referred to as the “Company”_, the Company was filed with the registration department of the Tartu County Court on 30.11.2018 under the registry code 14618005, Tallinn, Harju county, Kesklinna district, Tornimäe str 5, 10145, Estonia with the share capital of 10 511 180.40 euros, which is divided into 105 111 804 non par value shares.
The circle of shareholders entitled to participate at the general meeting has been established as at 23:59 of 29.09.2023 _the date of fixing the list_. According to the share ledger of the Company as at 23:59 of 29.09.2023, which is kept by NASDAQ CSD SE _Latvian registry code 40003242879_, the Company has 2 shareholders who hold altogether 105 111 804 non par value shares / votes:
1.Polish register of securities _Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A. _Polish registry code PL-0000081582, hereinafter the “KDPW”__, which holds 32 623 544 non par value shares/votes on its nominee account for and on behalf of the actual shareholders of the Company.
2.Patro Invest OÜ, Estonian registry code 14381342, which holds 72 488 260 non par value shares/votes.
The list of shareholders of the Company attending the meeting is annexed to these minutes _Annex 1_. This list and the previous section show that 72 488 260 _i.e. 68,96%_ of all the votes represented by the shares were duly represented at the general meeting.
The holding of the general meeting of the Company is subject to § 296 of the Commercial Code, which stipulates that if the requirements of law or of the articles of association for calling a general meeting are violated, the general meeting shall not have the right to adopt resolutions except if all the shareholders participate in or all the shareholders are represented at the general meeting. Resolutions made at such meeting are void unless the shareholders, with respect to whom the procedure for calling the meeting was violated approve of the resolutions.
Therefore, the meeting has a quorum.
The extraordinary general meeting was opened by Damian Patrowicz. Damian Patrowicz _Estonian personal identification code 39008050063_ was elected to chair the meeting and Martyna Patrowicz _personal identification code 49909190016_ was elected the recorder of the meeting /the person co-ordinating the voting.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 105 111 804
Total number of votes at the meeting: 72 488 260
In favour: 72 488 260 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Therefore, the Chair of the meeting and the recorder of the meeting / voting co-ordinator have been elected.
The Chair of the meeting and the recorder / voting co-ordinator of the meeting have verified the legal capacity of the shareholders participating at the meeting, and the identity and the right of representation of the representatives.
Pursuant to the notice of the annual general meeting of shareholders dated 14 September 2023 which are approved by the Supervisory Board of the Company, the agenda of the general meeting is the following:
1.Amendment of the articles of association of the Company and approval of the new version of the articles of association of the Company.
2.Reduction of the number of shares of the Company without nominal value.
3.Cancellation part of the shares of the Company without nominal value.
4.Share capital reduction.
1.Amendment of the articles of association of the Company and approval of the new version of the articles of association of the Company
1.1.The Shareholders shall amend and approve the new Articles of Association in order to decrease the share capital and the number of shares of the Company.
1.2.In connection therewith, to amend subsection 2.1 and 2.4 of the articles of association of the Company in the new wording as follows:
” 2.1. The minimum amount of share capital of the Company is 400 000 _four hundred thousand_ euros and the maximum amount of share capital is 1 600 000 _one million six hundred thousand_ euros.”
“2.4 The minimum number of the shares of the Company without nominal value is 4 000 000 _four million_ shares and the maximum number of the shares of the Company without nominal value is 16 000 000 _sixteen million_ shares.”
1.3.To approve the new version of the Company’s articles of association with the above amendments.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 105 111 804
Total number of votes at the meeting: 72 488 260
In favour: 72 488 260 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
The resolution of the meeting was adopted.
2.Reduction of the number of shares of the Company without nominal value
2.1.In order to make a positive impact on the valuation of shares, stabilize the price, improve the liquidity of trading and in order to avoid the possible qualification of the Company’s shares to the segment of the list of alerts of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the Chair of the meeting proposed to vote in favour of the resolution to reduce the number of shares of the Company without nominal value and to amend the articles of association of the Company as follows:
to reduce the number of shares of the Company without nominal value from 105 111 804 shares to 5 005 324 shares without altering the share capital of the Company, by replacing proportionally 105 111 804 shares without nominal value with a book value of 0.10 euros per share with 5 005 324 new shares without nominal value with a book value of 2.10 euros per share.
2.2.The execution of these resolutions is vested in the Company’s Management Board. The Management Board is authorised and obliged to file any documents and take any and all legal actions, including actions not mentioned in these resolutions, which directly or indirectly led to fulfilling provisions of these resolutions. In particular, the Management Board is authorized and obliged to carry out the reduction of the number of shares of the Company without nominal value as follows: twenty-one _21_ Company’s shares without nominal value with a book value of EUR 0,10 per share will be replaced by one share without nominal value with a book value of EUR 2,10 per share.
2.3.The Management Board is authorised to indicate the date _”Reference Date”_ on which, according to the number of shares held on each shareholder’s securities account, the new number of shares with a book value of EUR 2.10 euros per share will be set out.
2.4.Possible shortages will be covered at the expense of the shares held by Patro Invest OÜ, a limited liability company duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of Estonia, Estonian registry code 14381342, seat Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn, Estonia. Patro Invest OÜ is a shareholder who renounced the securities rights for free on the account of the shareholders having shortages but only to the extent necessary to cover the shortage and to allow each shareholder to receive one _1_ share with the new book value of EUR 2.10. Patro Invest OÜ will cover the shortage on condition that the extraordinary general meeting passes these resolutions on reduction of the number of shares of the Company without nominal value on given terms, amending the articles of association of the Company, its registration by the Estonian Commercial Register and indication by the Management Board the Reference Date, and also with effect on the date when _1_ Nasdaq CSD Branch in Estonia and _2_ Central Securities Depository of Poland _Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A. or KDPW_ carry out the procedures necessary to effectuate the reduction of the number of shares of the Company without nominal value. Therefore, as a result of the reduction of the number of shares of the Company, each Shareholder having shortages on the Reference Date _it means a shareholder holding from 1 to 20 shares with a book value of EUR 0.10_, will become entitled to receive one _1_ share with a book value of EUR 2.10 instead of shares resulting in shortage. At the same time, the rights of Patro Invest OÜ to receive shares with a new book value of EUR 2.10 instead of held shares with a book value of EUR 0.10 on the Reference Date will be reduced by the amount of shares necessary to cover the shortages. Shareholder who will have minority stakes will not be charged with the tax cost because of the low taxable amount. If it occurs that covering of all shortages is not possible in described way, then the process of the reduction of the number of shares of the Company without nominal value cannot be completed.
2.5.The shareholders of the Company are requested to check the amount of the shares held on the securities accounts and adjust their structure so that on the Reference Date, the amount of the shares will be single or a multiple of 21 shares. The Management Board shall indicate to the shareholders the Reference Date in the form of a current report. If the Management Board will not indicate any date then it is considered that the shares shall be adjusted by 06 November 2023. This procedure reduces the risk of failure of the merger process of the reduction of the number of shares of the Company without nominal value by inability to fulfil the provisions of these resolutions.
2.6.The Management Board of the Company is authorised and obliged to take all legal and organizational actions connected with changing the book value and amount of the Company’s shares in the Estonian Commercial Register, Nasdaq CSD Branch in Estonia and KDPW. These changes will be registered and kept on each shareholder’s securities account. This will be done by the systems operated by Nasdaq CSD Branch in Estonia and KDPW, respectively.
2.7.The Management Board of the Company is authorised and obliged to submit to WSE an application to suspend continuous trading in order to carry out the process of the reduction of the number of shares of the Company without nominal value. Period of suspension shall be previously agreed with KDPW.
2.8.Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of these resolutions shall enter into force on the moment the entries pertaining to the date of amending the articles of association and the new amount of the number of shares of the Company without nominal value, filed under the adopted resolutions provided in sections 2.1 – 2.2 of these resolutions above, have been made in the Estonian Commercial Register. The other part of these resolutions enters into force at the moment of their adoption.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 105 111 804
Total number of votes at the meeting: 72 488 260
In favour: 72 488 260 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
The resolution of the meeting was adopted.
3.Cancellation part of the shares of the Company without nominal value
3.1.In order to reduce the number of shares and the amount of liabilities, the Chair of the meeting proposed to vote in favour of the resolution to cancel 499 324 shares of the Company and thereby reduce the share capital of the Company in accordance with the following rules:
3.1.1.The number of shares of the Company will be reduced by 499 324 shares, from 5 005 324 shares to 4 506 000 shares.
3.1.2.The share capital of the Company will be reduced by 1 048 580.40 euros, from 10 511 180.40 euros to 9 462 600 euros.
3.1.3.The share capital shall be reduced by cancelling 499 324 shares of the Company owned by Patro Invest OÜ. The book value of shares of the Company without nominal value will not be changed.
3.1.4.Following the cancellation of shares and reduction of share capital, the Company shall have a share capital of 9 462 600 euros consisting of 4 506 000 shares with a book value of 2.10 euros per share.
3.1.5.Patro Invest OÜ will receive 2,50 euros from the Company for each cancelled share as a result of the reduction of the share capital. In total Patro Invest OÜ shall receive 1 248 310 euros as fair compensation for cancelled shares.
3.2.To authorize and oblige the Company’s Management Board to take all legal and factual actions related to the number of the Company’s shares and amount of share capital resulting from the content of these resolutions, including in particular the extraordinary general meeting decides to:
3.2.1.authorize and oblige the Company’s Management Board to carry out the registration procedure to reduce the number of shares and share capital in the Estonian Commercial Register;
3.2.2.authorize and oblige the Management Board of the Company to register a decrease in share capital and the number of shares in the KDPW and in the NASDAQ CSD kept for the Company;
3.2.3.authorize and oblige the Company’s Management Board to carry out the operation of reducing the number of shares and share capital of the Company participating in trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange; and
3.2.4.authorize the Management Board to indicate the date on which the shares will be cancelled and the share capital reduced.
3.3.Section 3.1 of these resolutions shall enter into force on the moment the entries pertaining to the share reduction and share capital of the Company without nominal value, filed under the adopted resolutions provided in sections 3.1 of these resolutions above, have been made in the Estonian Commercial Register. The other part of these resolutions enters into force at the moment of their adoption.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 105 111 804
Total number of votes at the meeting: 72 488 260
In favour: 72 488 260 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
The resolution of the meeting was adopted.
4.Share capital reduction
4.1.The purpose of reducing the share capital is to reduce the book value of the Company’s shares, which in the case of plans to attract new investors may facilitate the acquisition of capital of the Company by issuing new shares. The Chair of the meeting proposed to vote in favour of the resolution to reduce the share capital of the Company by reducing the book value of the shares from 2.10 euros to 0.10 euros in accordance with the following rules:
4.1.1.The share capital of the Company will be reduced by 9 012 000 euros, from 9 462 600 euros to 450 600 euros.
4.1.2.The share capital shall be reduced by reducing the book value of all the shares of the Company from 2.10 euros to 0.10 euros. The number of shares of the Company without nominal value will not be changed and shares of the Company shall not be cancelled.
4.1.3.Following the reduction of share capital, the Company shall have a share capital of 450 600 euros consisting of 4 506 000 shares with a book value of 0.10 euros per share.
4.1.4.No payments will be made to the shareholders as a result of the reduction of the share capital. All the funds released as a result of the reduction of the share capital will be allocated to the supplementary capital of the Company.
4.2.To authorize and oblige the Company’s Management Board to take all legal and factual actions related to the change in the book value and share capital of the Company resulting from the content of these resolutions, including in particular the extraordinary general meeting decides to:
4.2.1.authorize and oblige the Company’s Management Board to carry out the registration procedure to reduce the book value of shares and the share capital of the Company in the Estonian Commercial Register;
4.2.2.authorize and oblige the Management Board of the Company to register a decrease in share capital and the book value in the KDPW and in the NASDAQ CSD kept for the Company;
4.2.3.authorize and oblige the Company’s Management Board to carry out the operation of reducing the book value of the Company participating in trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange; and
4.2.4.authorize the Management Board to indicate the date on which, according to the number of shares held on each shareholder’s securities account, the new a book value of the shares of the Company will be set out.
4.3.Section 4.1 of these resolutions shall enter into force on the moment the entries pertaining to the share capital reduction and new book value of shares of the Company without nominal value, filed under the adopted resolutions provided in sections 4.1 of these resolutions above, have been made in the Estonian Commercial Register. The other part of these resolutions enters into force at the moment of their adoption.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 105 111 804
Total number of votes at the meeting: 72 488 260
In favour: 72 488 260 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
The resolution of the meeting was adopted.
The meeting ended at: 12.30.The meeting was held in the Polish language
Legal basis:
Other regulations
A person representing the Company:
Damian Patrowicz, Member of the Management Board
Notice on Calling an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE.
(Current report 7/2023)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145 Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 21 July 2023, Friday; time – 13:00 _registration starts at 12:30_. The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting is attached to this report.
- 21.07.2023_IFC_SE_Draft_resolutions_of_the_AGM
- 21.07.2023_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_AGM
- 21.07.2023_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document
- 21.07.2023_IFC_SE_Written_Resolution_of_the_SB
- 21.07.2023_ENG_IFC_SE_Authorisation_Document
- 21.07.2023_IFC_SE_Information_on_the_AGM
- 21.07.2023_POL__IFC_SE_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_ZWZA
- 21.07.2023_POL__IFC_SE_Informacje_dotyczace_ZWZA
- 21.07.2023_POL__IFC_SE_Uchwala_RN
- 21.07.2023_POL_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia
- 21.07.2023_POL_IFC_SE_Projekty_uchwal_na_ZWZA
- 21.07.2023_POL_IFC_SE_Wycofanie_Upowaznienia
Protocol of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Investment Friends Capital SE of 21/07/2023
(Current report 9/2023)
Place of holding the meeting: Plock, ul. Padlewskiego 18C, 09-402, Poland.
Time of the meeting: 21 July 2023, starting at 13.00 _CET_.
Pursuant to the printout from the central database of the registration department of the Tartu County Court dated 21 July 2023, and in accordance with the Statute of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _hereinafter referred to as the “Company”_, the Company was filed with the registration department of the Tartu County Court on 30.11.2018 under the registry code 14618005, Tallinn, Harju county, Kesklinna district, Tornimäe str 5, 10145, Estonia with the share capital of 10 511 180,40 euros, which is divided into 105 111 804 non par value shares.The circle of shareholders entitled to participate at the general meeting has been established as at 14 July 2023 _the date of fixing the list_. According to the share ledger of the Company as at 14 July 2023, which is kept by NASDAQ CSD SE _Latvian registry code 40003242879_, the owner of 72 488 260 of the Company’s shares, it is Patro Invest OÜ _Estonian registration code 14381342_, which holds in its account 72 488 260 shares/votes without par value.The list of shareholders of the Company attending the meeting is annexed to these minutes _Annex 1_. This list and the previous section show that 72 488 260 _i.e. 68,96%_ of all the votes represented by the shares were duly represented at the general meeting.
The holding of the general meeting of the Company is subject to § 296 of the Commercial Code, which stipulates that if the requirements of law or of the articles of association for calling a general meeting are violated, the general meeting shall not have the right to adopt resolutions except if all the shareholders participate in or all the shareholders are represented at the general meeting. Resolutions made at such meeting are void unless the shareholders, with respect to whom the procedure for calling the meeting was violated approve of the resolutions. Therefore, the meeting has a quorum.
The general meeting was opened by Damian Patrowicz. Damian Patrowicz _Estonian personal identification code 39008050063_ was elected to chair the meeting and Martyna Patrowicz _personal identification code 49909190016_ was elected the recorder of the meeting /the person co-ordinating the voting.Voting results:
Number of shares: 105 111 804
Total number of votes at the meeting:72 488 260
In favour: 72 488 260 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Therefore, the Chair of the meeting and the recorder of the meeting / voting co-ordinator have been elected.
The Chair of the meeting and the recorder / voting co-ordinator of the meeting have verified the legal capacity of the shareholders participating at the meeting, and the identity and the right of representation of the representatives.
The management board of the Company provided an overview of the last annual report and the economic activities of the Company for the current year.
Pursuant to the notice of the annual general meeting of shareholders dated 29 June 2023 which are approved by the Supervisory Board of the Company, the agenda of the general meeting is the following:1. Extension of the term of office for the members of the Supervisory Board.
2. To approve the annual report of the Company for the financial year 2021/2022.
III.VOTING AND RESOLUTIONS1.Extension of the term of office for the members of the Supervisory Board
1.1. To extend the term of office of Małgorzata Patrowicz _Estonian personal identification code 47003100017_ as a member of the Supervisory Board from 30.05.2023 for an additional term of five years.
1.2. To extend the term of office of Martyna Patrowicz _Estonian personal identification code 49909190016_ as a member of the Supervisory Board from 30.05.2023 for an additional term of five years.
1.3. To extend the term of office of Jacek Koralewski _Estonian personal identification code 37103010097_ as a member of the Supervisory Board from 30.05.2023 for an additional term of five years.
1.4. To extend the term of office of Wojciech Wiesław Hetkowski _Estonian personal identification code 35112090158_ as a member of the Supervisory Board from 30.05.2023 for an additional term of five years.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 105 111 804
Total number of votes at the meeting: 72 488 260
In favour: 72 488 260 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting2.Approving the annual report of the Company for the financial year 2021/2022
2.1. To approve the annual report of the Company for the financial year 2021/2022.
2.2.Not to make distributions to the legal reserve or other reserves of the Company.
2.3. Not to distribute profit.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 105 111 804
Total number of votes at the meeting: 72 488 260
In favour: 72 488 260 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
The resolution of the meeting was adopted.The meeting ended at: 13.30.The meeting was held in the Polish language.
Notice on Calling an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE.
(Current report 3/2023)
Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145 Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 21 June 2023, Wednesday; time – 13:00 _registration starts at 12:30_. The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting is attached to this report.
- 21.06.2023_IFC_SE_Draft_resolutions_of_the_AGM
- 21.06.2023_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_AGM
- 21.06.2023_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document
- 21.06.2023_IFC_SE_Written_Resolution_of_the_SB
- 21.06.2023_ENG_IFC_SE_Authorisation_Document
- 21.06.2023_IFC_SE_Information_on_the_AGM
- 21.06.2023_POL__IFC_SE_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_ZWZA
- 21.06.2023_POL__IFC_SE_Informacje_dotyczace_ZWZA
- 21.06.2023_POL__IFC_SE_Uchwala_RN
- 21.06.2023_POL_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia
- 21.06.2023_POL_IFC_SE_Projekty_uchwal_na_ZWZA
- 21.06.2023_POL_IFC_SE_Wycofanie_Upowaznienia
Information regarding Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders that was not held
(Current report 6/2023)
The Management Board of Investment Friends Capital SE _registry code: 14618005_ headquartered Tornimäe tn 5,10145, Tallinn, Estoniai informs that the General Meeting of Shareholders convened on 21 June 2023 was not held because of the fact that there was no registered Shareholders who have been entitled to participarte in the General Meeting.
Therefore, in the near future, the Management Board will convene another General Meeting of Shareholders, which will be held regardless of the number of shares represented on it.
Notice on Calling an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE
(Current report 4/2022)
Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145 Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 4 May 2022, Wednesday; time – 14:00 _registration starts at 13:30_. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting is attached to this report.
- 04.05.2022_IFC_SE_Information_on_the_EGM
- 04.05.2022_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 04.05.2022_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Draft_resolutions_of_the_EGM
- 04.05.2022_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_EGM
- 04.05.2022_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 04.05.2022_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Written_Resolution_of_the_SB
- 04.05.2022_POL__IFC_SE_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_NWZA
- 04.05.2022_POL__IFC_SE_Informacje_dotyczace_NWZA
- 04.05.2022_POL__IFC_SE_Uchwala_RN
- 04.05.2022_POL_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia
- 04.05.2022_POL_IFC_SE_Projekty_uchwal_na_NWZA
- 04.05.2022_POL_IFC_SE_Wycofanie_Upowaznienia
Legal basis:Other regulations
Protocol of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Investment Friends Capital SE of 4/05/2022
(Current report 5/2022)
The Management Board of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE headquartered in Tallinn, registry code: 14618005, hereby informs that on 4/05/2022 there was held the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.
There was one Shareholder present at the Meeting – Patro Invest OÜ headquartered in Tallinn, registry code: 14381342 represented by Member of the Management Board Mr Damian Patrowicz holding 2 390 000 shares of the Company which represents 100 % of votes at the General Meeting.
The Management Board of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE publishes the full text of the protocol of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 4/05/2022 as an attachment to this report.
Notice on Calling an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE
(Current report 1/2022)
Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145 Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 4 April 2022, Monday; time – 14:00 _registration starts at 13:30_. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting is attached to this report.
- 04.04.2022_IFC_SE_Information_on_the_EGM
- 04.04.2022_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 04.04.2022_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Draft_resolutions_of_the_EGM
- 04.04.2022_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_EGM
- 04.04.2022_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 04.04.2022_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Written_Resolution_of_the_SB
- 04.04.2022_POL__IFC_SE_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_NWZA
- 04.04.2022_POL__IFC_SE_Informacje_dotyczace_NWZA
- 04.04.2022_POL__IFC_SE_Uchwala_RN
- 04.04.2022_POL_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia
- 04.04.2022_POL_IFC_SE_Projekty_uchwal_na_NWZA
- 04.04.2022_POL_IFC_SE_Wycofanie_Upowaznienia
Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876
A person representing the Company:
Damian Patrowicz, Member of the Management Board
Information regarding Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders that was not held
(Report 3/2022)
The Management Board of Investment Friends Capital SE _registry code: 14618005_ headquartered Tornimäe tn 5,10145, Tallinn, Estoniai informs that Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders convened on 4 April 2022 was not held because of the fact that there was no registered Shareholders who have been entitled to participarte in the Extraordinary General Meeting.
Therefore, in the near future, the Management Board will convene another General Meeting of Shareholders, which will be held regardless of the number of shares represented on it.
Notice on Calling an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE
(Report 10/2021)
Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 2 November 2021, Tuesday; time – 12:00 _registration starts at 11:30_. The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting is attached to this report.
- 2021.11.02_ENG__IFC_SE_Draft_Resolutions_of_the_AGM
- 2021.11.02_ENG_IFC_SE_Authorisation_Document
- 2021.11.02_ENG_IFC_SE_Information_on_the_AGM
- 2021.11.02_ENG_IFC_SE_New_Articles_of_Association__in_English_
- 2021.11.02_ENG_IFC_SE_New_Articles_of_Association__in_Estonian_
- 2021.11.02_ENG_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_AGM
- 2021.11.02_ENG_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document
- 2021.11.02_ENG_IFC_SE_Written_Resolution_of_the_SB__Determining_Agenda_of_AGM_
- 2021.11.02_POL__IFC_SE_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_ZWZA
- 2021.11.02_POL__IFC_SE_Informacje_dotyczace_ZWZA
- 2021.11.02_POL__IFC_SE_Uchwala_RN
- 2021.11.02_POL_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia
- 2021.11.02_POL_IFC_SE_Projekty_uchwal_na_ZWZA
- 2021.11.02_POL_IFC_SE_Statut_Spolki
- 2021.11.02_POL_IFC_SE_Wycofanie_Upowaznienia
Protocol of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE of 2.11.2021
(Report 11/2021)
Miejsce spotkania: Płock, ul. Padlewskiego 18C, 09-402, Poland.
Czas spotkania: 2 listopada 2021 o 12:00 _CET_.
Zgodnie z wydrukiem z centralnej bazy danych wydziału rejestrowego Sądu Okręgowego w Tartu z dnia 2 listopada 2021 r. oraz zgodnie ze Statutem INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _dalej „Spółka”_, Spółka jest przedsiębiorcą, która została zarejestrowana przez Sąd Okręgowy w Tartu w dniu 30 listopada 2018 r. pod numerem rejestracyjnym 14618005, siedziba Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145, Estonia, z kapitałem zakładowym w wysokości 500 532,40 euro, który dzieli się na 5 005 324 akcji bez wartości nominalnej.
Akcjonariusze uprawnieni do udziału w walnym zgromadzeniu zostali ustaleni na godz 23:59 w dniu 26 października 2021 r. Według księgi akcyjnej Spółki z godz. 23:59 z dnia 26 października 2021 r. prowadzonej przez NASDAQ CSD SE _łotewski kod rejestru 40003242879_, posiadaczem wszystkich akcji Spółki jest Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych _Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A. _kod PL-0000081582, dalej „KDPW”__, który posiada wszystkie 5 005 324 akcji/głosów bez wartości nominalnej na swoim rachunku imiennym w imieniu i na rzecz faktycznych akcjonariuszy Spółki.
KDPW udzielił pełnomocnictwa Damianowi Patrowicz _estoński kod identyfikacyjny 39008050063_ _załącznik nr 2_, zgodnie z którym osoba uprawniona może wykonywać w imieniu KDPW uprawnienia akcjonariusza _w tym prawo głosu na walnym zgromadzeniu_ w zakresie z 3 534 823 akcji / głosów Spółki.
Lista akcjonariuszy Spółki obecnych na Zwyczajnym Walnym Zgromadzeniu stanowi załącznik do niniejszego protokołu _Załącznik 1_. Z listy tej oraz z poprzedniej części wynika, że 3 534 823 _tj. 70,62%_ wszystkich głosów reprezentowanych przez akcje było należycie reprezentowanych na walnym zgromadzeniu.
Do odbycia walnego zgromadzenia Spółki stosuje się § 296 Kodeksu spółek handlowych, który stanowi, że w przypadku naruszenia wymogów prawa lub statutu dotyczących zwołania walnego zgromadzenia walnemu zgromadzeniu nie przysługuje prawo do zwołania walnego zgromadzenia, nie ma prawa podejmować uchwał, chyba że wszyscy akcjonariusze uczestniczą w walnym zgromadzeniu lub wszyscy akcjonariusze są reprezentowani. Uchwały podjęte na tym zgromadzeniu są nieważne, chyba że akcjonariusze, w stosunku do których został naruszony tryb zwołania zgromadzenia, wyrażą zgodę na uchwały.
Dlatego zebranie ma kworum.
Walne zgromadzenie otworzył Damian Patrowicz. Damian Patrowicz _estoński kod identyfikacyjny 39008050063_ został wybrany na przewodniczącego obrad, a Martyna Patrowicz _kod 49909190016_ została wybrana na protokolanta obrad / osobę koordynującą głosowanie.
Wyniki głosowania:
Liczba akcji: 5 005 324
Łączna liczba głosów na zgromadzeniu: 3 534 823
Za: 3 534 823 głosów, czyli 100% głosów reprezentowana na zgromadzeniu
Przeciw: 0 głosów, tj. 0% głosów reprezentowanych na zgromadzeniu
Wstrzymało się: 0 głosów, tj. 0% reprezentowanych głosów na zgromadzeniu
Nie oddano: 0 głosów, tj. 0% oddanych głosów na zgromadzeniu
W związku z tym wybrano przewodniczącego obrad i protokolanta obrad / koordynatora głosowania.
Przewodniczący zgromadzenia oraz protokolant / koordynator głosowania zweryfikowali zdolność prawną akcjonariuszy uczestniczących w zgromadzeniu oraz tożsamość i prawo reprezentacji przedstawicieli.
Zarząd Spółki dokonał przeglądu ostatniego raportu rocznego oraz działalności gospodarczej Spółki za rok bieżący.
Zgodnie z zawiadomieniem o Zwyczajnym Walnym Zgromadzeniu Akcjonariuszy z dnia 11 października 2021 r. zatwierdzonym przez Radę Nadzorczą Spółki, porządek obrad Walnego Zgromadzenia przedstawia się następująco:
1.Zmiana statutu Spółki i zatwierdzenie nowej wersji statutu Spółki.
2.Zatwierdzenie raportu rocznego Spółki za rok obrotowy 2020/2021.
3.Podwyższenie kapitału zakładowego Spółki w drodze emisji bonusowej.III. GŁOSOWANIE I TREŚCI UCHWAŁ
1. Zmiana statutu Spółki i zatwierdzenie nowej wersji statutu Spółki
1.1.W związku z emisją bonusową _Est. Fondiemissioon_ akcji Spółki, następuje zmiana ust. 2.1 i 2.4 Statutu Spółki i zatwierdza się nowe następujące brzmienie :
„2.1. Minimalna wysokość kapitału zakładowego Spółki wynosi 3 000 000 _trzy miliony_ euro, a maksymalna wysokość kapitału zakładowego 12 000 000 _dwanaście milionów_ euro. ”
„2.4. Minimalna liczba akcji Spółki bez wartości nominalnej to 30 000 000 _trzydzieści milionów_ akcji, a maksymalna liczba akcji Spółki bez wartości nominalnej to 120 000 000 _sto dwadzieścia milionów_ akcji.”1.2.Zatwierdzenie nowej wersji statutu Spółki z powyższymi zmianami.
Wyniki głosowania:
Liczba akcji: 5 005 324
Łączna liczba głosów na zgromadzeniu: 3 534 823
Za: 3 534 823 głosów, czyli 100% głosów reprezentowana na zgromadzeniu
Przeciw: 0 głosów, tj. 0% głosów reprezentowanych na zgromadzeniu
Wstrzymało się: 0 głosów, tj. 0% reprezentowanych głosów na zgromadzeniu
Nie oddano: 0 głosów, tj. 0% oddanych głosów na zgromadzeniu
Uchwała została podjęta.
2. Zatwierdzenie raportu rocznego Spółki za rok obrotowy 2020
2.1. Zatwierdzenie raportu rocznego Spółki za rok obrotowy 2020/2021.
2.2. Niedokonywanie wypłat na ustawowy fundusz rezerwowy lub inne rezerwy Spółki.
2.3.Nierozdzielanie zysku.
Wyniki głosowania:
Liczba akcji: 5 005 324
Łączna liczba głosów na zgromadzeniu: 3 534 823
Za: 3 534 823 głosów, czyli 100% głosów reprezentowana na zgromadzeniu
Przeciw: 0 głosów, tj. 0% głosów reprezentowanych na zgromadzeniu
Wstrzymało się: 0 głosów, tj. 0% reprezentowanych głosów na zgromadzeniu
Nie oddano: 0 głosów, tj. 0% oddanych głosów na zgromadzeniu
Uchwała została podjęta.
3. Podwyższenie kapitału zakładowego Spółki w drodze emisji bonusowej.
3.1. Podwyższenie kapitału zakładowego Spółki poprzez emisję bonusową w drodze emisji 100 106 480 nowych akcji dla akcjonariuszy Spółki, w wyniku czego liczba akcji Spółki wzrasta z 5 005 324 do 105 111 804.
3.2. Podwyższenie kapitału zakładowego Spółki w drodze emisji bonusowej następuje kosztem kapitału zapasowego w wysokości 10 010 648 EUR na podstawie bilansu na dzień 30.06.2021 r. zamieszczonego w raporcie rocznym 2020/2021. Chwilę ustalenia praw dla emisji bonusowej ustala się na 12.11.2021 r. o godzinie 17:00 czasu środkowoeuropejskiego _CET_.
3.3. W drodze emisji bonusowej udział Akcjonariusza w kapitale zakładowym Spółki wzrośnie proporcjonalnie do posiadanego udziału w kapitale zakładowym na dzień ustalenia prawa do udziału w emisji bonusowej. W związku z powyższym w wyniku emisji bonusowej każdy akcjonariusz Spółki otrzyma 20 nowych akcji za każdą 1 posiadaną akcję Spółki.
3.4. Upoważnienie i zobowiązanie Zarządu Spółki do podjęcia wszelkich czynności prawnych i faktycznych związanych z emisją bonusową akcji, w tym w szczególności:
3.4.1. Upoważnienie Zarządu do ustalenia daty _ang. Record Day_ uzyskania praw do otrzymania akcji nowej serii przez Akcjonariuszy, których akcje są notowane na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie.
3.4.2. Upoważnienie Zarządu do zarejestrowania akcji wyemitowanych w ramach emisji bonusowej w Krajowym Depozycie Papierów Wartościowych _KDPW_ oraz w depozycie macierzystym NASDAQ CSD prowadzonym na rzecz Spółki.
3.4.3. Upoważnienie Zarządu do dokonania wszelkich czynności niezbędnych do dopuszczenia akcji wyemitowanych w ramach emisji bonusowej do obrotu na rynku regulowanym oraz do dematerializacji tych akcji.
Wyniki głosowania:
Liczba akcji: 5 005 324
Łączna liczba głosów na zgromadzeniu: 3 534 823
Za: 3 534 823 głosów, czyli 100% głosów reprezentowana na zgromadzeniu
Przeciw: 0 głosów, tj. 0% głosów reprezentowanych na zgromadzeniu
Wstrzymało się: 0 głosów, tj. 0% reprezentowanych głosów na zgromadzeniu
Nie oddano: 0 głosów, tj. 0% oddanych głosów na zgromadzeniu
Uchwała została podjęta.Zgromadzenie zakończyło się o godz. 12:30.Zgromadzenie odbyło się w języku polskim.
Notice on Calling an Extrardinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE
(Report 2/2021)
Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 20 March 2021, Saturday; time – 12:00 _registration starts at 11:30_. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting is attached to this report.
- 2021.03.20_IFC_SE_Information_on_the_EGM
- 2021.03.20_IFC_SE_New_Articles_of_Association__in_English_
- 2021.03.20_IFC_SE_New_Articles_of_Association__in_Estonian_
- 2021.03.20_IFC_SE_Statut_Spolki
- 2021.03.20_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Authorisation_Document
- 2021.03.20_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Draft_resolutions_of_the_EGM
- 2021.03.20_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_EGM
- 2021.03.20_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 2021.03.20_INVESTMENT_FRIENDS_CAPITAL_SE_Written_Resolution_of_the_SB
- 2021.03.20_POL__IFC_SE_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_NWZA
- 2021.03.20_POL__IFC_SE_Informacje_dotyczace_NWZA
- 2021.03.20_POL__IFC_SE_Uchwala_RN
- 2021.03.20_POL_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia
- 2021.03.20_POL_IFC_SE_Projekty_uchwal_na_NWZA
- 2021.03.20_POL_IFC_SE_Wycofanie_Upowaznienia
Protocol of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE of 20/03/2021
(Report 3/2021)
The Management Board of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE headquartered in Tallinn, registry code: 14618005, hereby informs that on 20/03/2021 there was held the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. The Management Board of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE publishes the full text of the protocol of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 20/03/2021 as an attachment to this report.
Notice on Calling an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE
(Report 13/2020)
Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 30 November 2020, Monday; time – 12:00 _registration starts at 11:30_. The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting is attached to this report.
- 6.11.2020__Information_on_shares_total_number
- 6.11.2020_Form_for_voting_prior_to_AGM_of_IFC
- 6.11.2020_Formularz_wstepnego_glosowania_IFC
- 6.11.2020_IFC_SE_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 6.11.2020_IFC_SE_Draft_resolutions_of_the_AGM
- 6.11.2020_IFC_SE_Information_on_the_AGM_of_SH_EvS
- 6.11.2020_IFC_SE_New_Articles_of_Association__in_English_
- 6.11.2020_IFC_SE_New_Articles_of_Association__in_Estonian_
- 6.11.2020_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_AGM_of_SH_EvS
- 6.11.2020_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 6.11.2020_IFC_SE_Statut_Spolki
- 6.11.2020_IFC_SE_Written_Resolution_of_the_SB__Determining_Agenda_of_AGM__EvS
- 6.11.2020_POL_IFC_SE_Projekty_uchwal_na_ZWZA
- 6.11.2020_POL__IFC_SE_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_ZWZA-1
- 6.11.2020_POL__IFC_SE_Informacje_dotyczace_ZWZA-1
- 6.11.2020_POL__IFC_SE_Uchwala_RN-1
- 6.11.2020_POL__IFCS_SE_Informacja_o_liczbie_akcji_i_glosow
- 6.11.2020_POL_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia-1
- 6.11.2020_POL_IFC_SE_Wycofanie_Upowaznienia-1
Supplementing at the request of a Shareholder draft resolutions for the AGM convened for 30/11/2020
(Report 14/2020)
Following receipt of the request of a shareholder PATRO INVEST OÜ on November 10, 2020 filed under the provision of § 293 item _2_ of the Estonian Commercial Code, together with the draft of a relevant resolution, the Management Board of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _the „Company”_ informs that it took into account the Shareholder’s demand in that the way that it supplemented draft resolutions prepared for the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company, convened for November 30, 2020, for draft resolutions regarding the addition of a point regarding the change in the financial year of the Company and the amendment to the Articles of Association. The remaining draft resolutions published on November 6, 2020 via the current report No. 13/2020 remain unchanged.
Attached, the Management Board of the Company provides updated _supplemented_ AoA in English, Polish and Estonian and Shareholder request.
- 30.11.2020_IFC_SE_AoA__in_English__Patro_Invest
- 30.11.2020_IFC_SE_AoA__in_Estonian__Patro_Invest
- 30.11.2020_IFC_SE_AoA__in_Polish__Statut_Spolki
- 30.11.2020_IFC_SE_Draft_resolutions_of_the_AGM_Patro_Invest
- 30.11.2020_POL_IFC_SE_Nowy_projekt_Patro_Invest_na_ZWZ
Podstawa prawna
§ 293 Estoński Kodeks Handlowy
Protocol of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE of 30/11/2020
(Report 16/2020)
Time of the meeting: 30 November 2020, starting at 12.00 _Warsaw Time_.
Pursuant to the printout from the central database of the registration department of the Tartu County Court dated 30 November 2020, and in accordance with the Statute of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _hereinafter referred to as the “Company”_, the Company is an undertaking with passive legal capacity, which was filed with the registration department of the Tartu County Court on 30 November 2018 under the registry code 14618005, seat Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145, Estonia, with the share capital of 2,102,236,08 euros, which is divided into 15,015,972 non par value shares.
The circle of shareholders entitled to participate at the annual general meeting has been determined as at 23 November 2020 at the end of the working day of the Nasdaq CSD Estonian Settlement System _the date of fixing the list_. According to the share ledger of the Company as at 23:59 of 23 November 2020, which is kept by NASDAQ CSD SE _Latvian registry code 40003242879_, the holder of all the shares of the Company is the National Depository of Securities of Poland _Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A. _Polish registry code PL-0000081582, hereinafter “KDPW”__ which holds all 15,015,972 non par value shares/votes on its nominee account for and on behalf of the actual shareholders of the Company.
KDPW has issued a power of attorney to Damian Patrowicz _Estonian personal identification code 39008050063_ _Annex 2_, according to which the authorised person may exercise on behalf of KDPW the rights of a shareholder _including to vote at the general meeting_ in respect of 10 459 380 shares/votes of the Company.
The list of shareholders of the Company attending at the annual general meeting is annexed to these minutes _Annex 1_. This list and the previous section show that 10 459 380 _i.e. 69,655%_ of all the votes represented by the shares were duly represented at the general meeting.
The holding of the general meeting of the Company is subject to § 296 of the Commercial Code, which stipulates that if the requirements of law or of the articles of association for calling a general meeting are violated, the general meeting shall not have the right to adopt resolutions except if all the shareholders participate in or all the shareholders are represented at the general meeting. Resolutions made at such meeting are void unless the shareholders, with respect to whom the procedure for calling the meeting was violated approve of the resolutions.Therefore, the meeting has a quorum.
The general meeting was opened by Damian Patrowicz. Damian Patrowicz _Estonian personal identification code 39008050063_ was elected to chair the meeting and Martyna Patrowicz _personal identification code 49909190016_ was elected the recorder of the meeting /the person co-ordinating the voting.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 15 015 972
Total number of votes at the meeting: 10 459 380
In favour: 10 459 380 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes
represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at
the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented
at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented
at the meeting
Therefore, the Chair of the meeting and the recorder of the meeting / voting co-ordinator have been elected.
The Chair of the meeting and the recorder / voting coordinator of the meeting have verified the legal capacity of the shareholders participating at the meeting, and the identity and the right of representation of the representatives.
Pursuant to the notice of the annual general meeting of shareholders dated 6 November 2020 which are approved by the Supervisory Board of the Company, the agenda of the general meeting is the following:
1. Amendment of the articles of association of the Company and approval of the new version of the articles of association of the Company.
2. Approving the annual report of the Company for the financial year 2019/2020 and covering the loss of financial year 2019/2020.
3. Increasing the share capital of the Company through bonus issue.
4. Reduction of the book value of the shares of the Company without altering the share capital of the Company.
On 10 November 2020 a shareholder of the Company Patro Invest OÜ proposed a request to amend the section 1 of the draft resolutions prepared by the management board of the Company. The section 1 to be voted at the annual general meeting of the Company is the amended version of the draft resolutions of the annual general meeting convened on 6 November 2020 as proposed by Patro Invest OÜ. The initially proposed section 1 was not adopted by the shareholders.
1. Amendment of the articles of association of the Company and approval of the new version of the articles of association of the Company
1.1.In connection with the bonus issue _Est. fondiemissioon_ of the shares of the Company, to amend sections 2.1 and 2.4 of the articles of association of the Company, to add section 4.8 to the articles of association and to approve it in the new wording as follows:
„2.1. The minimum amount of share capital of the Company is 3 000 000 euros and the maximum amount of share capital is 12 000 000 euros.“
“2.4. The minimum number of the shares of the Company without nominal value is 30 000 000 _thirty million_ shares and the maximum number of the shares of the Company without nominal value is 120 000 000 _one hundred and twenty million_ shares.“
“4.8. The shareholders may not vote prior to the general meeting as per § 2982 of the Commercial Code.“
1.2.To approve the new version of the Company’s articles of association with the abovementioned amendments.
1.3.Section 1 of these resolutions shall enter into force at the moment the new version of the articles of association adopted under these resolutions is entered into the Estonian Commercial Register.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 15 015 972
Total number of votes at the meeting: 10 459 380
In favour: 10 459 380 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
The resolution of the meeting was adopted.
2. Approving the annual report of the Company for the financial year 2019/2020 and covering the loss of financial year 2019/2020
2.1. To approve the annual report of the Company for the financial year 2019.
2.2. To cover the loss of financial year 2019/2020 from the supplementary capital.
2.3. Not to make distributions to the legal reserve or other reserves of the Company.
2.4. Not to distribute profit.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 15 015 972
Total number of votes at the meeting: 10 459 380
In favour: 10 459 380 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
The resolution of the meeting was adopted.
3. Increasing the share capital of the Company through bonus issue
3.1. To increase the share capital of the Company through bonus issue by increasing the nominal value of the shares held by the shareholders by EUR 8 408 944,32, from EUR 2 102 236,08 to EUR 10 511 180,4.
3.2. To increase the share capital of the Company through bonus issue at the expense of the premium in the amount of EUR 8 408 944,32 on the basis of the balance sheet as at 30.06.2020 provided in the 2019 annual report. The bonus issue shall be performed as of 07.12.2020 17:00 CET.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 15 015 972
Total number of votes at the meeting: 10 459 380
In favour: 10 459 380 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
The resolution of the meeting was adopted.
4.Reduction of the book value of the shares of the Company without altering the share capital of the Company
4.1. To reduce the book value _Est. arvestuslik väärtus_ of all shares of the Company seven _7_ times without altering the share capital of the Company, from EUR 0,7/per share to EUR 0,1/per share, whereby the number of shares of the Company shall increase simultaneously and proportionally seven _7_ times from the existing 15 015 972 _fifteen million fifteen thousand nine hundred and seventy two_ shares to 105 111 804 _one hundred five million one hundred eleven thousand eight hundred and four_ shares _Split of shares_.
4.2. As a result of the split of shares, the existing shareholders of the Company shall receive, for each 1 _one_ current Company’s share with a book value of EUR 0.7, 7 _seven_ shares with a book value of EUR 0,1/each.
4.3. Therefore, the Company’s share capital will not change and will continue to amount to EUR 10 511 180,4 _ten million five hundred eleven thousand one hundred eighty point four_ and will be divided into 105 111 804 _one hundred five million one hundred eleven thousand eight hundred and four_ shares with a book value of EUR 0,1/each.
4.4. The purpose of reducing the book value of the shares of the Company and proportionally increasing their number is to improve the liquidity of the Company’s shares listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
4.5. To authorize and oblige the Company’s Management Board to take all legal and factual actions related to the change in the book value and number of the Company’s shares and the amendment to the Company’s articles of association resulting from the content of these resolutions, including in particular the ordinary general meeting decides to:
4.5.1. authorize and oblige the Company’s Management Board to carry out the registration procedure to reduce the book value of shares while increasing their number in the Estonian Commercial Register;4.5.2. authorize and oblige the Management Board of the Company to register a decrease in the book value and increase in the number of the Company’s shares in the National Depository of Securities and in the parent deposit of NASDAQ CSD kept for the Company; and
4.5.3. authorize and oblige the Company’s Management Board to carry out the operation of reducing the book value and increasing the number of shares of the Company participating in trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
4.6. Sections 4.1-4.4 of these resolutions shall enter into force on the moment the new version of the articles of association adopted under these resolutions is entered into the Estonian Commercial Register. The other parts of these resolutions enter into force at the moment of their adoption.
Voting results:
Number of shares: 15 015 972
Total number of votes at the meeting: 10 459 380
In favour: 10 459 380 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
The resolution of the meeting was adopted.
The meeting ended at: 12.30.
The meeting was held in the Polish language.
These minutes have been prepared on eight _8_ sheets and in two bilingual copies _in the Estonian and English languages_, one of which is retained by the Company, and one will be filed with the Commercial Register.
Notice on Calling an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE
(Report 2/2020)
Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145, Republic of Estonia is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 20 February 2020, Thursday; time – 10:00 _registration starts at 9:30_. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting is attached to this report.
- 2020.02.20_POL_FON_SE_Projekty_uchwal_na_NWZA
- 20.02.2020_POL_IFC_SE_Wycofanie_Upowaznienia-1
- 20.02.2020_POL_IFC_SE_Uchwala_RN-1
- 20.02.2020_POL_IFC_SE_Informacje_dotyczace_NWZA-1
- 20.02.2020_POL_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia-1
- 20.02.2020_POL_IFC_Informacja_o_liczbie_akcji_i_glosow
- 20.02.2020_POL__IFC_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_NWZA-1
- 20.02.2020_ENG_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 20.02.2020_ENG_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS
- 20.02.2020_ENG_IFC_SE_Information_on_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS
- 20.02.2020_ENG_IFC_SE_Draft_resolutions_of_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS
- 20.02.2020_ENG_IFC_SE_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 20.02.2020_ENG_IFC_Information_on_shares_total_number
Protocol of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE of 20/02/2020
(Report 4/2020)
The Management Board of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE headquartered in Tallinn, registry code: 14618005, hereby informs that on 20/02/2020 there was held the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.
There was one Shareholder present at the Meeting – Patro Invest OÜ headquartered in Tallinn, registry code: 14381342 represented by Member of the Management Board Mr Damian Patrowicz _personal identification code: 39008050063_ holding 10.248.270 shares of the Company which represents 68,25% of votes at the General Meeting.
The agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders includes the following resolutions:
1. Election of the Chair and the Recorder of the Meeting.
The Chair of the EGM was elected Damian Patrowicz and the Recorder was elected Martyna Patrowicz.
In favour: 10.248.270 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
The resolution was adopted.
2. Approval of the audit firm for the performance of the audit of the Company’s financial statements for the year 2019, 2020 and for the evaluation of the Company’s annual reports for the year 2019, 2020.
Decided to choose Number RT OÜ based in Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kristiine linnaosa, Sule tn 1, 11317, company code 10213553, as an auditing company that will audit the Company’s financial statements for 2019 and 2020 and will evaluate the Company’s annual financial statements for 2019 and 2020. The remuneration for the auditor will be paid in accordance with the contract concluded between INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE and Number RT OÜ on market terms.
In favour: 10.248.270 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting.
The resolution was adopted.
The Management Board of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE publishes the full text of the protocol of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 20/02/2020 as an attachment to this report.
Notice on Calling an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE.
(Report 27/2019)
Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 20 September 2019, Friday; time – 12:00 _registration starts at 11:30_. The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting is attached to this report.
- 2019.09.20_POL_IFC_SE_Wycofanie_Upowaznienia-1
- 2019.09.20_POL_IFC_SE_Projekty_uchwal_na_ZWZA
- 2019.09.20_POL_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia-1
- 2019.09.20_POL__IFCS_SE_Informacja_o_liczbie_akcji_i_glosow
- 2019.09.20_POL__IFC_SE_Uchwala_RN-1
- 2019.09.20_POL__IFC_SE_Informacje_dotyczace_ZWZA-1
- 2019.09.20_POL__IFC_SE_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_ZWZA-1
- 2019.09.20_ENG_IFC_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 2019.09.20_ENG_IFC_SE_Information_on_shares_total_number
- 2019.09.20_ENG_IFC_SE_Draft_resolutions_of_the_Ordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS
- 2019.09.20_ENG__IFC__Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 2019.09.20_ENG__IFC_SE_Information_on_the_Ordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS
- 2019.09.20_ENG_IFC_Notice_of_Convening_the_Ordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS
Protocol of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE of 20/09/2019
(Report 28/2019)
Notice on Calling an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE
(Report 21/2019)
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Narva mnt 5, Tallinn, Harju county, 10117, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 17 June 2019, Monday; time – 11:00 _registration starts at 10:30_. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402. The full text of the announcement on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting is attached to this report. Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 187 ‚6
- 16.05.2019_POL__IFC_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_NWZA-1
- 16.05.2019_POL_IFC_SE_Informacje_dotyczace_NWZA-1
- 16.05.2019_POL_IFC_SE_Projekty_uchwal_na_NWZA
- 16.05.2019_POL_IFC_SE_Uchwala_RN-1
- 16.05.2019_POL_IFC_Informacja_o_liczbie_akcji_i_glosow
- 16.05.2019_POL_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia-1
- 16.05.2019_POL_IFC_SE_Wycofanie_Upowaznienia-1
- 16.05.2019_ENG_IFC_Information_on_shares_total_number
- 16.05.2019_ENG_IFC_SE_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 16.05.2019_ENG_IFC_SE_Draft_resolutions_of_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS
- 16.05.2019_ENG_IFC_SE_Information_on_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS
- 16.05.2019_ENG_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS
- 16.05.2019_ENG_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document_EvS
Protocol of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE of 17/06/2019.
(Report 24/2019)
1. Election of the Chair and the Recorder of the Meeting. The Chair of the EGM was elected Damian Patrowicz and the Recorder was elected Martyna Patrowicz. In favour: 9.426.784 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting The resolution was adopted.
2. Approval of the audit firm for the performance of the audit of the Company’s financial statements for the year 2018, 2019 and for the evaluation of the Company’s annual reports for the year 2018, 2019. Decided to choose Hansa Audit osaühing based in Pärnu mnt. 377, 10919, Tallinn, company code 10616667, as an auditing company that will audit the Company’s financial statements for 2018 and 2019 and will evaluate the Company’s annual financial statements for 2018 and 2019. The remuneration for the auditor will be paid in accordance with the contract concluded between INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE and Hansa Audit osaühing on market terms. In favour: 9.426.784 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting. The resolution was adopted.
3. Determining the last day of the reporting period started on January 1, 2018 for which the company will prepare financial statements.
The financial year started on January 1, 2018 will end on December 31, 2018. The financial year started on January 1, 2019 will end on June 30, 2020. In favour: 9.426.784 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting. The resolution was adopted.
4. Determining a financial reporting standard in which the Company will prepare financial statements. Financial statements will be prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards _IFRS_. In favour: 9.426.784 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting. The resolution was adopted.
The Management Board of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE publishes the full text of the protocol of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 17/06/2019 as an attachment to this report.
Notice on Calling an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE
(Report 14/2019)
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Narva mnt 5, Tallinn, Harju county, 10117, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 13 May 2019, Monday; time – 13:00 _registration starts at 12:30_. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402. The full text of the announcement on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting is attached to this report. Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 187 _6_
- 13.05.2019_EESTI_IFC_SE_New_Articles_of_Association__in_Estonian_
- 13.05.2019_ENG_IFC_Information_on_shares_total_number
- 13.05.2019_ENG_IFC_SE_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 13.05.2019_ENG_IFC_SE_Draft_resolutions_of_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS
- 13.05.2019_ENG_IFC_SE_Information_on_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS
- 13.05.2019_ENG_IFC_SE_New_Articles_of_Association__in_English_
- 13.05.2019_ENG_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS
- 13.05.2019_ENG_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 13.05.2019_ENG_IFC_SE_Written_Resolution_of_the_SB__Determining_Agenda_of_EGM_
- 13.05.2019_POL__IFC_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_NWZA-1
- 13.05.2019_POL_IFC_Informacja_o_liczbie_akcji_i_glosow
- 13.05.2019_POL_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia-1
- 13.05.2019_POL_IFC_SE_Informacje_dotyczace_NWZA-1
- 13.05.2019_POL_IFC_SE_Projekt_uchwaly_na_NWZA
- 13.05.2019_POL_IFC_SE_Uchwala_RN-1
- 13.05.2019_POL_IFC_SE_Wycofanie_Upowaznienia-1
- 13.05.2019_POL_IFC_NOWY_STATUT
Cancellation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders convened on 13/05/2019
(Report 18/2019)
The Management Board of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _the „Company”_ hereby informs that it cancelled the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company convened on 13/05/2019. The decision results from the fact that the resolutions that were to be discussed at the Extraordinary General Meeting were adopted at the previous Extraordinary General Meeting and effectively registered. At the same time, no other requests of the Shareholders were received to add any items to the agenda. Therefore, the planned holding of the Extraordinary General Meeting is pointless.
Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 187 _6_
Notice on Calling an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE 19.04.2019 r.
(Report 11/2019)
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Narva mnt 5, Tallinn, Harju county, 10117, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 19 April 2019, Friday; time – 10:00 _registration starts at 9:30_. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in Płock, on Padlewskiego Street 18C, 09-402.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting is attached to this report.
Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 187′ 6
- 01_PL_2019.04.19_IFC_Informacja_o_zwolaniu_NWZA-1
- 02_PL_2019.04.19_IFC_SE_Informacje_dotyczace_NWZA-1
- 03_PL_2019.04.19_IFC_Informacja_o_liczbie_akcji_i_glosow
- 04_PL_2019.04.19_IFC_SE_Projekt_uchwaly_na_NWZA-2
- 05_PL_2019.04.19_IFC_SE_Formularz_Upowaznienia-1
- 06_PL_2019.04.19_IFC_SE_Wycofanie_Upowaznienia-1
- 07_ENG_2019.04.19_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS-1
- 08_ENG_2019.04.19_IFC_SE_Information_on_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS
- 09_ENG_2019.04.19_IFC_SE_Draft_resolutions_of_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS-1
- 10_ENG_2019.04.19_Information_on_shares_total_number
- 11_ENG_2019.04.19_IFC_SE_Authorisation_Document_EvS
- 12_ENG_2019.04.19_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Withdrawal_of_the_Authorisation_Document_EvS
Supplementing draft resolutions at the request of a shareholder to the Extraordinary General Meeting convened for April 19, 2019
(Report 12/2019)
- PL_2019.04.19_IFC_Informacja_o_zwołaniu_NWZA
- PL_2019.04.19_IFC_SE_Projekt_uchwaly_na_NWZA
- ENG_2019.04.19_IFC_SE_Notice_of_Convening_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS-1
- ENG_2019.04.19_IFC_SE_Draft_resolutions_of_the_Extraordinary_General_Meeting_of_SH_EvS-1
Protocol of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE of 19/04/2019.
(Report 15/2019)
The Management Board of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE headquartered in Tallinn, registry code: 14633855, hereby informs that on 19/04/2019 there was held the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.
There was one Shareholder present at the Meeting – Patro Invest OÜ headquartered in Tallinn, registry code: 14381342 represented by Member of the Management Board Mr Damian Patrowicz _personal identification code: 39008050063_ holding 9,426,784 shares of the Company which represents 62,78% of votes at the General Meeting.
The agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders includes the following resolutions:
1. Election of the Chair and the Recorder of the Meeting.
The Chair of the EGM was elected Damian Patrowicz and the Recorder was elected Malgorzata Patrowicz.
In favour: 9,426,784 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
2. Approval of the audit firm for the performance of the audit of the Company’s financial statements for the year 2018, 2019 and for the evaluation of the Company’s annual reports for the year 2018, 2019.
Since no audit firm candidates were presented to the extraordinary general meeting, the Chair of the meeting proposed to consider this agenda item as informative one and not to carry out voting.
In favour: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 9,426,784 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
The resolution was not adopted.
3. Adoption of a resolution regarding the change in the financial year and related changes in the Company Statute
The Chair of the meeting explained that purpose of the change in the financial year and related changes in the Company Statute is the extension of the 2018 financial year for six months.
In connection with that the Chair of the meeting proposed to amend section 7.1 of the Company’s Statute and to approve it in the new wording as follows:
„7.1. The Company’s financial year is 01.07. – 30.06.“; and
approve the new redaction of the Company’s Statute with the abovementioned amendments.
In favour: 9,426,784 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the meeting
Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the meeting
The Management Board of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE publishes the full text of the protocol of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 19/04/2019 as an attachment to this report.
Informacja o zwołaniu Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia na dzień 19.11.2018 r.
(Report 61/2018)
Zarząd INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE w Płocku zawiadamia o zwołaniu na dzień 19.11.2018 r. na godzinę 13:00 Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia, które odbędzie się w Płocku przy ul. Padlewskiego 18C.
Pełna treść ogłoszenia o zwołaniu Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia stanowi załącznik do niniejszego raportu.
- Ogłoszenie o zwołaniu ZWZ
- Projekty Uchwał na ZWZ
- Formularz Pełnomocnictwa
- Aktualny Statut FON SE
- Projekt Statutu FON SE
Wniosek akcjonariusza zawierający projekty uchwał dotyczące spraw objętych porządkiem obrad Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia zwołanego na dzień 19 listopada 2018 roku
(Report 64/2018)
Uchwały podjęte na Nadzwyczajnym Walnym Zgromadzeniu Akcjonariuszy w dniu 19.11.2018r. Ogłoszenie przerwy w obradach.
(Report 66/2018)
Uchwały Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia Akcjonariuszy kontynuowanego po przerwie w dniu 27.11.2018r. Ogłoszenie przerwy w obradach.
(Report 68/2018)
Zarząd Investment Friends Capital SE z siedzibą w Płocku, niniejszym w załączniku przekazuje do publicznej wiadomości treść Uchwał podjętych przez Nadzwyczajne Walne Zgromadzenie Akcjonariuszy, które odbyło się po ogłoszonej przerwie w dniu 27.11.2018r.
Jednocześnie Zarząd Emitenta informuje, że Nadzwyczajne Walne Zgromadzenie Akcjonariuszy podjęło Uchwałę w sprawie ogłoszenia przerwy w obradach Zgromadzenia do dnia 03.12.2018r. do godziny 15:20.
Uchwały Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia Akcjonariuszy kontynuowanego po przerwie w dniu 03.12.2018r.
(Report 71/2018)
Zarząd Investment Friends Capital SE z siedzibą w Płocku, niniejszym w załączniku przekazuje do publicznej wiadomości treść Uchwał podjętych przez Nadzwyczajne Walne Zgromadzenie Akcjonariuszy, które kontynuowało obrady po ogłoszonej przerwie w dniu 03.12.2018r.
Informacja o zwołaniu Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia na dzień 30.05.2018r.
(Report 27/2018)
Uchwały podjęte na Zwyczajnym Walnym Zgromadzeniu Akcjonariuszy w dniu 30.05.2018r. Ogłoszenie przerwy w obradach
(Report 31/2018)
Protokół zakończenia Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia Akcjonariuszy kontynuowanego po przerwie w obradach w dniu 29.06.2018r.
(Report 45/2018)
Zarząd INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE w Płocku zawiadamia o zwołaniu na dzień 30.05.2018 r. na godzinę 13:00 Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia, które odbędzie się w Płocku przy ul. Padlewskiego 18C.
Pełna treść ogłoszenia o zwołaniu Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia stanowi załącznik do niniejszego raportu. Zarząd Emitenta jednocześnie informuje, że dodatkowe materiały informacyjne tj: Sprawozdanie z działalności Rady Nadzorczej w roku 2017, Sprawozdanie Rady Nadzorczej z oceny sprawozdania finansowego oraz sprawozdania Zarządu z działalności Spółki za rok obrotowy 2017, będą zamieszczone na stronie internetowej Emitenta w dziale Relacje Inwestorskie, zakładce Walne Zgromadzenia.
- Formularz_pełnomocnictwa_na_ZWZ
- Ogloszenie_o_zwolaniu_ZWZ
- Projekty_Uchwal_na_ZWZ
- Statut_IFC_obowiazujacy
- Statut_IFC_projekt
- Sprawozdanie Rady Nadzorczej z działalności jako Organu Spółki
- Sprawozdanie RN z oceny Sprawozdania finansowego i Sprawozdania Zarządu
- Uchwały podjęte na Zwyczajnym Walnym Zgromadzeniu Akcjonariuszy w dniu 30.05.2018r. Ogłoszenie przerwy w obradach
- Protokół zakończenia Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia Akcjonariuszy kontynuowanego po przerwie w obradach w dniu 29.06.2018r.
Informacja o zwołaniu Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia na dzień 30.05.2018r.
(Report 27/2018)
Uchwały podjęte na Zwyczajnym Walnym Zgromadzeniu Akcjonariuszy w dniu 30.05.2018r. Ogłoszenie przerwy w obradach
(Report 31/2018)
- Formularz_pełnomocnictwa_na_ZWZ
- Ogloszenie_o_zwolaniu_ZWZ
- Projekty_Uchwal_na_ZWZ
- Statut_IFC_obowiazujacy
- Statut_IFC_projekt
- Sprawozdanie Rady Nadzorczej z działalności jako Organu Spółki
- Sprawozdanie RN z oceny Sprawozdania finansowego i Sprawozdania Zarządu
- Uchwały podjęte na Zwyczajnym Walnym Zgromadzeniu Akcjonariuszy w dniu 30.05.2018r. Ogłoszenie przerwy w obradach
Informacja o zwołaniu Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia na dzień 03.01.2018r.
(Report 70/2017)
Informacja o zwołaniu Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia na dzień 27 kwietnia 2017r.
(Report 19/2017)
- Ogłoszenie i projekty uchwał
- Pełnomocnictwo
Uzupełnienie porządku obrad Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia zwołanego na dzień 27.04.2017r.
(Report 20/2017)
UCHWAŁA Nr 02/04/2017 Rady Nadzorczej INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL Spółka Akcyjna z dnia 26.04.2017 roku w sprawie opinii Rady Nadzorczej dotyczącej treści projektów uchwał zgłoszonych przez akcjonariusza do porządku obrad Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia zwołanego na dzień 29.04.2017r.
Uchwały podjęte na Zwyczajnym Walnym Zgromadzeniu Akcjonariuszy w dniu 27.04.2017r.
(Report 24/2017)
- Protokół
- Uzupełnienie do protokołu
- Ogłoszenie
- Projekty uchwał
- Pełnomocnictwo
- Projekt Statutu (uwzględniającego uchwały wnioskowane przez akcjonariusza do porządku obrad)
- Opinia w sprawie treści projektów uchwał postawionych w porządku obrad Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia zwołanego na dzień 29.04.2016 r.
- Opinia w sprawie treści projektów uchwał zgłoszonych przez akcjoanriusza Damf Invest S.A. do porządku obrad Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia zwołanego na dzień 29.04.2016 r.
- Informacja o ogólnej ilości akcji w Spółce Investment Friends Capital S.A. oraz ilości głosów przysługujących z tych akcji
- Protokol_ZWZ_IFC_SA_z_dnia_29.06.2015
- Ogłoszenie o zwołaniu Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia oraz zasady uczestnictwa
- Projekty Uchwal ZWZ oraz zmian Statutu
- Statut IFC - po ZWZ 29.06.2015r.
- Sprawozdanie Rady Nadzorczej z wyników oceny sprawozdania finansowego sprawozdania Zarządu z działalności spółki oraz za rok obrotowy 2014
- Sprawozdanie Rady Nadzorczej z jej działalności jako organu spółki w roku obrotowym 2014
Justifications for the draft resolutions
There are no justifications for the draft resolutions
Record of the proceedings
There are no records of the proceedings